NZ plain pack suggestion takes lead from Australia
Tobacco Reporter
Jun 25, 2010
Wiping virtually all branding off cigarette and tobacco packs could prove crucial in turning teenagers off smoking, according to a story by Martin Johnson for the New Zealand Herald quoting the results of a study of 80 students undertaken during research for a master's degree.
"I think it would be hugely powerful for young people," said Auckland University researcher, Dr. Judith McCool. "The pack is the last bastion of tobacco industry promotion."
McCool co-supervised the master's degree research by Lisa Webb in which 80 students aged 14 or 15 from six Auckland schools were interviewed about their attitudes to smoking, smokers, tobacco packaging and plain packs.
The Heart Foundation-funded study found the teenagers considered the plain packs they were shown to be dull, but said they enhanced the impact of the graphic health warnings.
Under a plain-pack proposal put forward earlier this year in Australia, tobacco companies would be prohibited from using any images, logos or promotional text on their packs from January 2012.
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