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中国市场调查网  时间:03/30/2011 10:31:57   来源:游戏邦

  正如许多大型公司一样,新闻集团最近也成立了自己的社交游戏部门Making Fun。但令人意外的是,这个新部门并不使用新闻集团的业务网络、服务或资产(比如说正走向没落的MySpace)来开拓项目,而是计划自立根生,开创与Zynga不同的发展模式。


  Making Fun的副总裁约翰·韦尔奇(John Welch)日前向媒体表示,因为Zynga已经是社交游戏领域的霸主,所以盲目模仿它只是一个坏主意。“最重要的是,我们已经错过了第一回合的社交游戏竞赛,Zynga是这一局的赢家,他们已经创建了成功的运营模式。如果我们加入战局后只是照搬他们的做法,那等于是在做一笔亏本生意。”

  不过游戏邦认为,虽然Making Fun并不将MySpace作为发展平台,但这并不表示它不会依托母公司的媒体资源优势开拓业务,据称该工作室已计划利用新闻集团的平面媒体、广播、电视和网站渠道,打响品牌知名度。

  据韦尔奇所称,Making Fun目前正准备推出三款游戏,其中第一款游戏“将成为社交游戏的革命性突破——它拥有游戏结局。”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

  News Corp Doesn’t Want to Make Zynga-Like Social Games

  Like most major corporations these days, News Corp owns a social gaming division, ambitiously named Making Fun. However, it turns out the group has no obligation to use any of News Corp’s networks, services, or properties (like the slowly dying MySpace); instead, the development team plans to forge its own path, and it isn’t planning to follow Zynga’s example when it comes to social games.

  John Welch, Making Fun’s vice president, told that trying to emulate Zynga would be a bad idea because they already dominate their field:

  “First and foremost, we’re not even playing the game in the first innings of the social games. Zynga won that one. They came in and established ways of doing things and kinds of games, and they built a hell of a great business.

  “If we’re going to come in and do what they did, I think that would be a losing proposition.”

  However, just because it doesn’t have to use MySpace as a platform doesn’t mean that Making Fun won’t take advantage of its parent company’s substantial media assets. The game studio plans to fully utilize New Corp’s print, radio, TV, and web presence to build brand awareness.

  According to Welch, “News Corp has a whole lot of eyeballs it reaches across its various media strategies, and to the extent that we can make partnerships that are win-win between News Corp brands and what we’re doing within games – that’s the way that we can have an advantage that Zynga doesn’t have.”

  At the moment, Making Fun has three titles in development. Welch claims that the first game is “going to do something pretty revolutionary in the social games space: it has an ending.”(source:escapistmagazine)